Saying Yes

Today, in fact, right now, embrace the concept that God is the God of second chances.

What’s that one thing God asked you to do, and you wish you had a second chance to do it, or do it right?

Maybe He asked you to do something really big and you just couldn’t “see” it.

Maybe He asked you to step out in faith and in your excitement to be obedient, you forgot to ask God how to proceed. And things didn’t go as you thought they were supposed to.  So you gave up.

Or maybe you were lazy.  Or afraid.  Or discouraged.  Or lacking resources, or trust. Or couldn’t let go of what you knew.  Or you procrastinated and over time, the excitement and inspiration faded, and eventually you forgot about it.  Until now.

But somewhere, deep inside of you, you know this truth.  That request of God, it’s still out there. Calling you to try again.

In 2001, I sat with the Lord and prayed all my talents back to Him. At that time, I was working on a book, I had been self-employed as a marketing writer for 5 years and I was pursuing being an artist. “Lord you’ve given me so many creative talents. I’m not sure I’m doing any of them well because I’m focused on them all.  Show me what to focus on and I will do it.”

That night Jesus came to me in a dream.  He was standing behind me with his hand on my head, looking at me with such love.  I was sitting at a table “making” something.  When I woke, I was so filled with joy I nearly leapt out of bed. “I’m a maker! [artist] I’m a maker!” I can still remember it so clearly. I called my best friend and told her all about it.  My writing clients commented that I sounded so happy on the phone, even though they had no idea why.

And guess what I did?  I chased my writing business and I chased it hard.  Here Jesus had answered my prayer and told me what to focus on and instead of following where He pointed, I went in the direction of what I could “see”.  Well, that dream turned out to be a prophetic word, because nine months later the bottom fell out of my business, and after a number of poor financial decisions in attempt to keep things going, I ended up draining my roll-over 401K to settle my accounts and start fresh.

And guess what I did? I chased writing again.  And again.  And again.  And in between I tried other things, like network marketing. And working at a gallery. And telecommuting as a personal assistant. Oh sure, I dabbled in my artistic pursuits, but it also didn’t take much to discourage me and block that word Jesus gave me from view.  Now that’s not to say I didn’t want to be an artist. I did, truly. But I didn’t have the belief and faith inside of me yet to be that artist.

Three years ago, Jesus came to me in another dream and told me He was restoring me to who I’ve never been.  Well, who I’ve never been – fully, intentionally – is an artist.  And in the time since, bit by bit, Jesus has been waking up my artist self and making her strong and courageous.  And hungry.  So hungry to create the things He’s shows me in my mind.  And when I do, rewards and favor come…hints and signposts for me to see, and remember.

Last year was the first year my writing business did consistently well since the bottom fell out all those years ago.  It was also the best year financially since 2001.  In September, while away for a six-week vacation to make art (up until then, my art was made primarily on location outdoors during the warmer months), God started telling me I was coming into a “new season”, a season of abundance.  At the same time, I landed a 40-page brochure project. My client also hired a new strategic agency and had me work directly with them, in hopes they might give me additional projects, beyond the scope of my own client.  All evidence of abundance. After the solid writing year I’d already had, could this be the new season God was talking about?

You know the expression, “things aren’t always as they seem”?  Ah, indeed. By the end of last year, my client had changed their brand strategy globally, completely reorganized the company, and all my contacts had moved on to greener pastures. Plus, the projects on the books when this year started were cancelled by February.

And there hasn’t been one bit of new business since.  Hmmmm.

But wait, hadn’t God told me I was coming into a new season?  Yes.  In fact, it was just a few months before He asked me to let this year, 2015, be a year of surrender.  No plans, no goals, no lists.  Something like this…”The Lord is my Shepard. Thy Will be done. I surrender.”  

Instead of a year of “doing” (oh I’m so good at that!), God was asking me to live at rest and to simply “be”.  Start each day with Him and do what He asked.

Which is why, when Jesus reminded me March 14th was the date He had invited me into a three-year healing journey “to restore you to who you’ve never been” – and it was now three years later and that particular journey was complete, and I was ready – I said yes.

Fifty-six cents in my checking account and I said yes to Jesus calling me to be the artist I was created to be.  Fully, completely, authentically.  Yes.

“What do you do?”

“I am a full-time artist.”

Yes. Yes. Yes!

I have no idea how this is going to work.  I don’t even have any idea where the next bag of groceries is coming from or gas for the car.  But it’s amazingly, wonderfully okay.  Because I do know with absolute certainty that this yes is my second chance.  That my new season is coming.  And God will take of the rest.  Just like He will take all the years of delay and false starts and not being able do what I couldn’t see and mix it together with all the growth and faith and trust He’s developed in me since Jesus first told me I was an artist…and He’ll make it all into something really, really good.

That’s who He is.  That’s what He does.

Whatever it is for you, ask God for a second chance.  And when He gives you that chance to say yes, that glimpse of what to do first – and how – do it.  Do it in faith, do in gratitude and do it with the understanding that this is your second chance.  The one you asked for.  And then watch the divine order of His favor pour out to guide you and help you go the way He’s already prepared.

The blessing is in the yes.  The rest is already lined up, waiting for you.

And waiting for me too.



“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)